Eternium max experience game guardian
Eternium max experience game guardian

eternium max experience game guardian eternium max experience game guardian

The simple way here is the better, if only because it work at and above CL 700: just tabulate all the amounts for all hero level and for champion level up to e.g.

eternium max experience game guardian

You can use (as I did) a computer algebra system to retrieve them. But they are rather involved (lots of cubic and square roots) and of limited use, so i won't give them here. Given an amount of accumulated XP, what is the corresponding hero or champion level? There are closed formulae for this, at least for all hero level and for champion level up to 699. (Again, I have strong evidence that this amount is exact.) If that is the case the formula is a bit inaccurate, with an overestimation growing almost linearly by close to half a point for each level above 700.)Įxample: According to the relevant formula, a total of 4 999 040 champion XP points are needed to reach CL 73. The last formula is an approximation, we don't know whether the XP increments are truncated internally.

Eternium max experience game guardian